Friday, December 27, 2019

Rembrandt van Rijn Essay - 1024 Words

Rembrandt van Rijn was born on July 15, 1606 in Leiden, Netherlands. He came from a large family where he was the ninth child. His father was a miller and saw to it that Rembrandt had an excellent education. Rembrandt began attending the University of Leiden, but really wanted to study art. Eventually he left school to become an apprentice to the artist Jacob van Swanenburgh. He also was a student of the painter Pieter Lastman. Company Frans Banning Cocq and Willem van Ruytenburch , known as the Night Watch is a Rembrandt painting which dates from 1642. It is a company of the bourgeois militia Musketeers Amsterdam , Frans Banning Cocq controlled , leaving weapons of a building. This painting is in New Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, which is†¦show more content†¦Indeed, this year, the table is transferred to the Town Hall ( the Dam) whose walls were too small. A copy of the complete Gerrit Lundens canvas made before cutting , is exhibited at the National Gallery in London. During the occupation of Holland by Napoleon , the canvas is then transferred several times before staying permanently in Trippenhuis (home of the Family Trip ) becomes an art museum , where it is exposed to 1885 , when opened on New Rijksmuseum. The fabric is removed and sheltering in various shelters during the 1939-1945 war . Like other famous works , she suffered attempts of degradation including knife ( 19111 , 1973) and acid ( 1985). It is now the centerpiece among many other masterpieces , the Rijksmuseum. The exact title of the work , if the artist or sponsors have given him , is unknown . But the title The Night Watch is an unfounded tradition dating back to the nineteenth century. Night is even less apt than Watch. When the critics and the public attached that word to the painting, the canvas had become so darkened by dirt and layers of varnish that it was difficult to tell whether the illumination Rembrandt had provided in it came from the sun or moon. Not until after the end of World War II was the painting fully restored so that the viewer could get an idea of the brightness it had when itShow MoreRelatedRembrandt Van Rijn Essay1430 Words   |  6 PagesHovater World History 28 March 2013 Rembrandt van Rijn People consider the Dutch painter and etcher, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, an important figure in Dutch history. He achieved success at a very early age but had personal tragedies and financial hardships in his later years. Many are familiar with Rembrandt’s reputation. Rembrandt’s works show his greatest accomplishments. Mainly his childhood and home life influenced his works. Steadfastly, Rembrandt van Rijn, the greatest Dutch portrait painterRead MoreEssay on Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn1035 Words   |  5 PagesRembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn Rembrandt (1606-1669), Dutch baroque artist, who ranks as one of the greatest painters in the history of Western art. His full name was Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Social Learning Theory And Cognitive Theories Of Learning

Social learning theory dates back to the early 1960’s, which integrates behavioral and cognitive theories of learning. By integrating the two theories it helped to provide a comprehensive model of learning experiences that occurs in one’s life. The social theory heavily relies on the observation, also known as modeling behaviors. Modeling can be achieved in several different ways such as, a live model, which entails the watching an actual person behavior. Verbal instruction is another method of modeling that involves instructions is told to one, in how to engage in certain behaviors. Lastly is symbolic modeling. Symbolic modeling involves stimuli such as media outlets that one models after. Once information is observed, it is processed both cognitively and behavioral known as the four mediational processes. The process includes attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. Attention is achieved by characteristics of the observer and the characteristics of the behavior or event that has been observed. Retention occurs when one store the observation into memory. The observed act, may or may not be performed, but will serve as a memory. Reproduction the ability to perform the behavior that the model has just demonstrated. Motivation is the will to perform the behavior observed. Motivation is fueled by the perceived rewards and / or punishment that follow from performing that observed behavior will be considered by the observer. The response to the behavior imitated withShow MoreRelatedCognitive and Social Learning Theories793 Words   |  3 PagesQuestion 2, Cognitive learning theory and Social learning theory 2.Question2, Reinforcement theory, Constructivism theory and Sensory stimulation theory 3.Question 3 4.Referencingâ€Æ' Question 1 Define the concept LEARNING (10) Learning refers to ones change in knowledge or behaviour as the outcome of experience. 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This gender identity disorder can be due to social influences as well as within one’s household. At younger ages it is believed that kids are more pressured to adopt gender typical behaviors. Through examination of two important sources social learning theory and cognitive developmental theory I will identify gender identity and the internal and external struggles transgender individuals’ f ace. IntroductionRead MoreLearning Theories, Behaviorism And Social Cognitive Theory1216 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Learning is a complex process that influences the knowledge and behaviours that humans do, or do not develop to adapt to a variety of situations (Ormrod, 2016). However, for people with disability, this learning process can often be hindered by the lack of abilities, or external and internal stimuli such as prejudice and self-efficacy respectively (Conyers, Enright, Strauser, 1998). 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Concept of the Human Resource Management

Question: Discuss the concept of the human resource management. Answer: Introduction The concept of the human resource management is one of the most significant as well as a crucial concept in the overall managerial process and operations. There are different kinds of assets present in various organizations (Bach Edwards, 2012). Out of all the assets, the most valuable and significant asset are the notion of the human resource management. The human resource management of an organization provides the overall outline of the plans and policies of the organization. There are certain organizational goals and objectives, which every organization irrespective of the size and nature of the business develops in the overall plans and operations of the organization (Brewster Mayrhofer, 2012). However, it is one of the most challenging jobs for the managers of the teams to develop all the plans and activities of the organization accordingly and to get the work done by the employees in a positive manner. In this case, the role of the human resource management contributes a sign ificant portion. The selected organization in the study is Emirates Airlines. The assignment will focus on all the key areas, which include human resource practices, and various issues within the organization (Briscoe, Schuler, Tarique, 2012). The assignment will focus on the following sectors such as team building as well as team working and motivation as well as a proper reward system on which the team benefited by applying a proper human resource administration in the overall organizational operations. Main Section of the study Emirates airline is the third largest airlines in the world when measured by scheduled passengers and kilometers, and it ranked as the seventh major carriers when measured regarding revenue and assets and it is ranked as the fourth when measured regarding international passengers. The back of the study will analyze all the key factors, which needs to be focused on developing a proper human resource outline in the organization. Since every business, the organization is made up of people, which includes acquiring their services, developing their skills motivating them to ensure the higher level of the performance in the group, which will continue to maintain the commitment to the team are very much essential to achieve organizational objectives (Daft, 2012). Organization, people, and management are the core elements of the human resource management. Team Working Activities However, this section of the study will ensure towards the development of the different scope of the Human resource management, which can be explained in a much-diversified manner. The organization in the study is Emirates Airlines. To develop a proper human resource management, the organization is concerned towards the relationship of the management employees (Dessler, 2013). On the other hand, it is also concerned with the relationship of the employees in all the important matter of the organization, which includes personal development and much more. Teams working, as well as Team buildings, are the two significant areas, which the present organization in the study focused towards the development process of a proper human resource management practices. The idea of the performance management is a continuous dynamic process, which improves the overall organizational effectiveness and strategic goals. On the other hand, the notion of the performance appraisal includes periodic event and formal review, which is the last step in the overall performance management process of the organization (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, Cardy, 2012). The overall performance management goals of Emirates includes communication between excellent and employees, feedbacks on performance, documentation, development goals and alignment with strategic planning goals. The human resource management of the organization participate in strategic planning, contract job analysis, support performance management, train and support managers and ensure the integrity of the sys tem are the key areas which the current organization focuses on the development process of the human resource practices of the organization. To evaluate an overall performance management system as well as proper team building in the organization, six steps need to be organized in a proper manner. Production planning, performance execution, performance assessments, performance review and performance renewal and re-contracting are the key areas that are the key sectors, which Emirates Airlines in the overall organizational process develops (Kotler Keller, 2012). The organization in the study strongly believes in the process of formulating different a proper smart objective plan which includes five measurable factors such as specific measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. The final step of the performance management process, which is practiced by the human resource management of the organization, maintains a proper performance cycle. The second factor, which is included in the methods of the HRM theory of Emirates, is towards maintaining an appropriate cultural diversity in the process of team building activities. In the era of globalization, employees join different organization from various cultural backgrounds. The overall artistic in the organization will need to continue towards the development process of the harmony in the overall organizational process (Lawler Boudreau, 2012). Every culture in the organization has its identity, which defines the internal environment of the organization. The cultural of the group is relatively stable, and the members of the organization perceive it. The objective of Emirates towards the development process of cultural diversity in the human resource practices is to control behavior and performance of the team in an efficient manner. Motivation and Reward Development of motivation and rewards in the overall performance level of the organization is to analyze the risk as well as the freedom of the employees (Management Association, 2012). The notion of the organizational motivation influence the overall regulatory climate, which includes the set of characteristics that will describe an organization, distinguishes one from another and changes the behavior aspects of the people in the group. Emirates Airlines strongly believes in the fact that there is a high need for the cultural development in the overall organizational by the team will be benefited in particular ways. It influences the satisfaction and performance through the application of the change in the behavior system (Martocchio, Joshi, Liao, 2012). It changes the attitudes of the members of the organization through the evolution of self and others. On the other hand, the degree of responsibility, freedom, which different individuals have in the organization, can be concluded as the individual anatomy. The second point, which is highlighted, is the development process of a proper organizational structure that is the degree to which an organization creates and develops clear objectives, expectations, and authority relationship. The third point, which is highlighted in the study, is the reward system, which is based on the performance rather than seniority. Emirates concluded the overall human resource management in four objectives, which includes mission, goals, objectives, and functions (McShane Von Glinow, 2012). The overall leadership process includes different kinds of style, communication, decision-making and related process which the overall management of the organization follows. Emirates have developed a proper variety to execute all the plans and proceedings in an appropriate manner. With a view to maintaining an adequate diversity in the organization, the company needs to evaluate all the activities towards developing a proper communication as well as an appropriate feedback system (Prescott Rothwell, 2012). It will allow all the employees in the organization to share their views to enhance the decision making the process of the organization in a well-executed manner. The group in the study Emirates evaluated all the ideas of every individual in the decision making the process of the organization, which enhances the overall objectives in the organizational process (Robbins Coulter, 2012). The notion of motivation system includes when the rate of change outside exceeds the rate of change inside. There are certain parameters that an emirate in the overall business process believes that there is individual change is required in the overall managerial process (Rothwell et al., 2012). Knowledge economy, virtual organization, managers acquisitions, electronic commerce, digital convergence, and privatization are the key factors, which needs to be highlighted in the overall change management process of the organization (Schermerhorn, 2012). The principles of change, which the team needs to develop, are a process that can be enabled not managed in the function of the group. One of the key factors that which the Emirates Airline was benefited in the organizational business are to develop a proper change in the overall managerial plans and activities of the organization. Emirates have linked the entire change process to the firm with the performance goals and objectives (Bach Edwards, 2012). However, Emirate in the overall practices of the Human resource management Emirates has done a remarkable job towards building capacity to change a strategic imperative (Dessler, 2013). However, developing the ability for an overall change management system is an evolutionary process, which brings a systematic view of the overall organizational process. The objective of the organization towards the development of a proper change management process is to involve both the organizational transition as well as personal changes. However, the development of a behavior change is a function which the organization of perceived need and occurs at the intellectual level of the organizational plans and procedures. Resistance to absorption is one of the critical point, which needs to be analyzed and investigated in a proper manner (Brewster Mayrhofer, 2012). To evaluate the motivation system in the organization, there are five different kinds of attributes, which Emirates in the overall HRM practice develops. Motivating change, creating a vision of change, developing political support, managing the transition change, and sustaining momentum are the five crucial factors, which the organization developed properly in the HRM system (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, Cardy, 2012). Findings and Analysis This part of the study will include the critical theories, which are required by the organization to develop the overall HRM practices. The 360-feedback system is one of the essential principles, which is highlighted towards the development of a proper HRM practices. On the other hand, need theory, models of a sustainable model of HRM and HR Competency are the relevant standards, which Emirates Airlines develops in the overall business activities. All the different kinds of theories are highlighted with the objective to increase the overall performance of the organizational plans and procedures (Briscoe, Schuler, Tarique, 2012). Performance management, culture, equity as well as diversity and change management system are the key parameters, which are reflected in the study and are supported by different kinds of relevant theories. The organization in the study has done a remarkable job towards maintaining all the principles and practices by matching the requirements of the organizat ion in a well-defined manner. The organization has done a remarkable job towards developing a proper team building activities in the overall managerial activities of the organization towards developing a proper reward system. Conclusion and Recommendation The concluding part of the assignment will analyze all the key elements, which are required by every organization to evaluate in the overall practice of HRM. The group in the study, which is selected, is Emirates Airlines. It is one of the top most airlines when measures concerning revenue, passengers, flights and much more. This is one of the most successful airlines, and all the essential practices of the Human resource management are highlighted in the study. All the employees in the organizations get the equal opportunities to share their views and ideas in the decision making the process of the overall HRM practice. All the activities of the Human Resource management of the organization are assigned in such a manner, which guides all the employees in the organization keeping in mind the requirements of the organizational plans and procedures. The ultimate objective of any organization is to achieve the overall corporate aims and objectives, which will guide all the employees to work in an efficient manner. The business performance of the company is quite to the mark. However, one recommendation can be added in the study to increase the overall efficiency of the organization. The feedback system of the organization needs to be developed in such a manner, which will allow the team to develop a proper feedback system and increase the overall performance of the organizational procedures. Reference List Bach, S. Edwards, M. (2012).Managing Human Resources. Hoboken: Wiley. Brewster, C. Mayrhofer, W. (2012).Handbook of research on comparative human resource management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Briscoe, D., Schuler, R., Tarique, I. (2012).International human resource management. New York, NY: Routledge. Daft, R. (2012).Management. Australia: South-Western. Dessler, G. (2013).Human resource management. Boston: Prentice Hall. Gomez-Mejia, L., Balkin, D., Cardy, R. (2012).Managing human resources. Boston: Pearson. Human resources management. (2012). Hershey, PA. Kotler, P. Keller, K. (2012).Marketing management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Lawler, E. Boudreau, J. (2012).Effective human resource management. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Business Books, an imprint of Stanford University Press. Management Association, U. (2012).Human Resources Management. IGI Global. Martocchio, J., Joshi, A., Liao, H. (2012).Research in personnel and human resources management. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald. McShane, S. Von Glinow, M. (2012).Organizational behavior. New York: Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Prescott, R. Rothwell, W. (2012).The encyclopedia of human resource management. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons. Robbins, S. Coulter, M. (2012).Management. Boston: Prentice Hall. Rothwell, W., Prescott, R., Lindholm, J., Yarrish, K., Zaballero, A., Benscoter, G. (2012).The encyclopedia of human resource management. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Schermerhorn, J. (2012).Organizational behavior.. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Effects of Homeschooling on Academics and Socializations Essay Example For Students

The Effects of Homeschooling on Academics and Socializations Essay Intro As one of the fastest growing trends in modern education and with more members than ever before, it is no wonder that homeschooling has received recent media coverage (Swartout-Corbeil; Saba and Gattis 1, National Household Education Surveys Program 1). However, many people are unsure about the reality of homeschooling (Saba and Gattis XI). Some of its critics show concerns over its claimed negative effects on a child’s ability to socialize with other children, while some were doubtful of its academic effectiveness (Saba and Gattis 5; Pitman). On the other hand, homeschoolers and their supporters say that it offers greater academic benefits than conventional schooling, and does not deprive a child socially either (Saba and Gattis 2; Dorian and Tyler 46). But amidst all this talk, what really are the effects of homeschooling on a child, on both the academic and social levels? Background Simply put, homeschooling is the practice of educating children of school-age at their home instead of at a public school with other children (Swartout-Corbeil). We will write a custom essay on The Effects of Homeschooling on Academics and Socializations specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The history of homeschooling goes all the way back to the early colonial times (Pitman). In fact, countless renowned men were homeschooled as kids, such as the ones pointed out by Linda Dobson: Some of the greatest minds of all time were homeschooled. Thomas Edison, Ben Franklin.Charles Dickens, John Quincy Adams†¦Abraham Lincoln, James Madison, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, George Washington, and Woodrow Wilson were all homeschooled, just to name a few! (196) In early history, homeschooling appealed widely to many families as the bulk of public schools were very exclusive in their selective process except to either the wealthy, or those of a specific ethnicity or gender. As a r. .>. National Household Education Surveys Program. 1.5 Million Homeschooled Students in the United States in 2007. Issue brief no. NCES 2009?030. 1.5 Million Homeschooled Students in the United States in 2007. National Household Education Surveys Program, Dec. 2008. Web. 14 Nov. 2009. . Pitman, Mary Anne. Homeschooling. Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society., 2004. Web. 15 Nov. 2009. . Saba, Laura, and Julie Gattis. McGraw-Hill homeschooling companion. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. Print. Swartout-Corbeil, Deanna M. Home Schooling. Gale Encyclopedia of Childrens Health: Infancy through Adolescence., 2006. Web. 15 Nov. 2009. .