Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Narrative- My Experiences as an Operating Room...

During my childhood, I would watch war movies with my father and he would tell me stores about his military experiences. His stories not only made me curious about the military, they also instilled a sense of patriotism in me and a desire to make a difference in our country and the world. These stories were not always positive reflections, nor glamorous tales of military life. What they did convey to me is his regret of leaving the military and that is what intrigued me even further to join the Air Force. In this paper I will talk about why I joined the Air Force, my most important Air Force experiences, duties and responsibilities as an operating room nurse, and how I contribute at the individual level and how that affects the overall†¦show more content†¦She was bleeding from her arms, legs and neck. The trauma team began to get her hooked up to the monitors and an intravenous line started while I began to set up the Operating Room. As soon as I finished I went to tal k my patient, I told her what was happening and held her hand as we put her off to sleep for her procedure. Just as she fell asleep she looked at me squeezed my hand and said â€Å"please don’t let me die†. I remember the day I took care of a particular Airman that was badly injured. He came in on a chopper and we took him to the Operating Room immediately. He had a tourniquet on his left arm, what was left of it, and his face was shredded from shrapnel and debris. This Airman had been hit by an Improvised Explosive Device and when he arrived we knew, due to the extensive blood loss and the condition of his left extremity that there was no way to save it. In the end he would also lose his sight in his left eye and some acuity in his right eye. I continued to prep him for surgery. As I washed his mangled arm I began to think of his family, if he has a wife, children, how his life will be so dramatically changed when he awakes to discover his left extremity gone and that he can no longer see out of his left eye. After taking care of him and sending him on to Germany to continue his journey home to the states, I thought of him often throughout the next few months of my deployment. Throughout my deployments I have taken careShow MoreRelatedPower, Control and Empowerment in Frances Burneys †A Mastectomy†2353 Words   |  10 Pageswriting the story of her illness because someone else has already made quite sure that her family will hear about it, and she wants them to learn about it from her, not from strangers. She is not, therefore, acting because she yearns to share her experience, but because she feels the situation demands it from her, and she has no power to change this. 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